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2024-03-10 07:04:04

Incel CS lecturer at Waterloo
I don't know what to say
"In academia, dating and romantic/sexual relationship between professors and students is controversial"
Yes. Yes it is.
"There is clearly a world-wide bias in judgmental decisions for accusing males, compared to females, in harassments. It may be because males usually ask out and show interest in females and females may take it as an offense."
Okay so has anyone explained to you the concept of power dynamics and unethical abuse of authority roles?
"A funny thing is that once, in a seminar for teaching assistants in the University of Waterloo, they told us that teaching
assistants should not date students. I asked about the case of John Nash. The professor answered me that they married
after the student graduated (which I think is not true). Then, I answered even if that is true, did they suddenly get
married without any dating? Of course, they dated before that, while she was a student! I think they themselves know
that this rule is nonfunctional because if the professor/instructor and the student are both single, they may like each
other or fall in love as they interact frequently in the school. This rule was even criticised in the American comedy show "Friends" (season 6, episode 18)."
Ok, there's a lot to unpack here, but the main bit is this: Do you understand that the sitcom "Friends" is not a good source for understanding ethics?
2024-05-09 07:48:50

Mindestens zwei Tote bei russischem Angriff auf Nikopol
In der Ukraine sind bei einem russischen Angriff auf die Stadt Nikopol im Südosten des Landes nach Behördenangaben mindestens zwei Menschen getötet worden. Wie Regionalgouverneur Serhij Lysak mitteilte, wurden ein 62-jähriger Mann und eine 65-jährige Frau durch russisches Artilleriefeuer getötet.
Nikopol ist seit Beginn des russischen Angriffs…
2024-04-09 03:47:45

A private citizen will be punished for contempt of Parliament by the Canadian House of Commons by being "called to the bar" and admonished by the Speaker.
The guilty party is some CEO of some company that got a favourable contract for the ArriveCan app.
#CanPoli #CdnPoli
2024-05-06 12:12:24

#TeacherAppreciationWeek - Get A #FREE #TCEA Membership:

‘TCEA Professional Learning Courses Events Collaborate About It’s TCEA's Free - e Membership Week! A screenshot of a web page banner featuring a female teacher giving the thumbs-up
2024-05-09 17:34:34

Exactly same here. I got a 7 day ban for deleting 10 year old posts from my homebrew time.
I am going to delete my account (seems I have to wait 7 days)
From: @…
2024-04-09 23:19:27

JFC, job references going the way of grad school applications.
Grad schools, employers, HR departments: a form like this is an invitation for me not to think carefully about my answers. Quantity over quality? Fine, ask and ye shall receive.

Screenshot of questionaire with over 29 questions on a 1-7 scale like “Maintain up-to-date knowledge of company products, policies, and regulations to effectively guide customers” and “collaborate effectively with others to achieve common goals”
2024-04-10 05:22:38

Of course, I can't start a day without being awfully angry about some shit.
So #Gentoo suddenly undoes USE=lzma [and USE=zstd] that used to be enabled by default in 23.0 profiles, apparently based on "consensus" on the mailing lists. The "consensus" boils down to one conspiracy theorist developer complaining, and being supported by 3 users whose Gentoo contributions boil down to having to express their opinions on everything on the mailing list.
This isn't only a problem, because Gentoo is letting itself be controlled by a vocal minority. This is a problem, because we've enabled something that can affect program output, told everyone to upgrade and rebuild their systems, then pulled the carpet from under them.
Wait, did that random app start using LZMA compression now that you've enabled it? Well, bad luck, you won't be able to open your files anymore. Surely, there's no better #security than not being able to do anything!
Unfortunately, sys-apps/kmod had explicit IUSE= lzma by default for a while now, so there's still a risk that you'll be able to boot your system. That's not good for security at all!
2024-04-09 14:01:58

Zweite Tote nach Beschuss russischer Grenzregion
In der russischen Grenzregion Briansk sind nach Angaben der dortigen Regionalbehörden zwei Menschen bei einem ukrainischen Angriff getötet worden. Wie Regionalgouverneur Alexander Bogomas auf Telegram mitteilte, traf der Artilleriebeschuss das Zentrum des Dorfs Klimowo. "Leider gibt es Tote: Eine Frau und ein Kind", schrieb er. Drei weitere Personen seien verletzt worden. Ein W…
2024-02-10 02:33:32

Brand in Charkiw nach russischem Drohnenangriff
Bei einem russischen Drohnenangriff auf eine Tankstelle der ostukrainischen Stadt Charkiw ist nach ukrainischen Angaben mindestens ein Mensch getötet worden. Charkiws Bürgermeister Ihor Terechow erklärte in der Nacht, nach dem Drohnenangriff auf die Tankstelle habe brennender Treibstoff 14 angrenzende Häuser in Brand gesetzt. Die Rettungsdienste würden das Feuer weiter bekämpfen …
2024-02-10 02:33:32

Brand in Charkiw nach russischem Drohnenangriff
Bei einem russischen Drohnenangriff auf eine Tankstelle der ostukrainischen Stadt Charkiw ist nach ukrainischen Angaben mindestens ein Mensch getötet worden. Charkiws Bürgermeister Ihor Terechow erklärte in der Nacht, nach dem Drohnenangriff auf die Tankstelle habe brennender Treibstoff 14 angrenzende Häuser in Brand gesetzt. Die Rettungsdienste würden das Feuer weiter bekämpfen …